Hello from the Central Coast, CA…

Hey everybody… We’ve been spending a lot of time on/near the ocean lately. Yay! The central coast of California is absolutely beautiful…Morro Bay, Monterey and Big Sur (check out the pic of Big Sur…stunning place). We had lots of fun kayaking in Morro Bay and Elkhorn Slough near Moss Landing with some adorable little sea otters…and those loud and lazy California sea lions (Fisher thought they were pretty rad).

We also made a day trip over to Santa Cruz (really cool surfing town, where the late, great surfing icon Jack O’Neill was from…love O’Neill’s clothing & wetsuits…have to go back there someday) and an overnight stop at Sequoia National Park (wow…those trees are huge!). Of course, you can’t go to that area of Cali without going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We really enjoyed checking out the exhibits, touch tanks and all the cute critters…especially the otters…and learned a bunch about environmental threats to the ocean. No more plastic water bottles for us!

We capped off our visit with an awesome whale watching trip out of Moss Landing. Humpback whales were everywhere! So beautiful and graceful…but they had really bad breath (from their blow hole). Seriously! Who knew?!? Check out the animation…synchronized whale diving. Really amazing. 

Next stop… SAN FRANCISCO! My favorite big city in the USA.

Peace y’all, KP



email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com

instagram: kellieparrmusic


Hello from Southern California…

Hey y’all… After driving all the way across this beautiful country of ours, it sure was amazing to finally see the ocean again!! We stayed in Los Angeles for a few days and visited Venice Beach (love that funky little beach town), the Griffith Observatory & the Hollywood sign (can’t go to L.A. and miss that!) and we drove up the coast to Malibu and Santa Barbara (they have the coolest harbor… sailing, paddling and surfing all in one place).

My favorite part of this leg of the trip was our boat excursion over to the Channel Islands – Santa Cruz Island. Wow!! What an incredibly beautiful place…kinda like how I imagine Ireland looks. We hiked some trails up and down the hills and saw lots of stunning scenery…and the fog rolling in made it super spooky. But the highlight of the day was on the trip back when we were surrounded by a SUPER pod of common dolphins. So cool! There must have been 500+ dolphins playing in the boat’s wake. Check out this video…Fisher and I were freaking out!


Next stop…more California…it’s a BIG state. 😀

Peace, love & dolphins, KP


email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com

instagram: kellieparrmusic


Viva Las Vegas!

Hello from Sin City! So much to do and so little time! We only spent 4 short days in Las Vegas, but we packed a lot in. First, we had to go to the Las Vegas Speedway…Fisher is the biggest NASCAR fan ever…and take a tour of the track and grounds. This inspired us to head over to the Go Kart track and have our own races. So fun!! I had my car sliding sideways several times. Ha! But Fisher’s favorite experience of the trip was the hilariously entertaining Blue Man Group show….they gave him an original, autographed painting (see pic…with the blue handprints). Too cool! But my favorite was… SANTANA!! We went to see him at the House of Blues and it was a spectacular show. Carlos is still amazing and his wife, Cindy Blackman, kicks butt on the drums. Just an awesome show…phenomenal musicianship with positive vibes…a truly spititual experience. We’re all beams of light, y’all! Go see them if you get the chance.

Next stop… southern California. Can’t wait to see the ocean. It’s been too long!

Peace, love & music… KP


email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com