Hey y’all… We’ve just finished up 2 wonderful weeks in northern New Mexico. I’ve never seen so many amazing art galleries and jewelry stores! Our first stop was Santa Fe, where we visited several museums (the Museum of International Folk Art and the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum were awesome!) and ate a TON of New-Mexican food…yum!! We did some hiking at Bandelier National Monument (cool petroglyphs and cave dwellings!) and took the train to Albuquerque where we visited my friend, Jon Webb and…of course it had to be done… went to several of the “Breaking Bad” filming locations… I even bought some of the “blue” stuff (BB fans will appreciate that!).
Next up was Taos…wow, what a gorgeous place! Of course you know about my wild-west, saloon gig at Laguna Vista Lodge in Eagle Nest (so much fun…people were dancing and singing along…yay!), but the highlight according to Fisher was our llama hike…yes, LLAMAs! We hiked down into the Rio Grande River Gorge and back out again (ugh…altitude!) with the help of our sweet, furry friend, Bucky (see pic). Such a blast! If you’re ever in the area, check out Wild Earth Llama Adventures. They do a fantastic job…it’s a day we’ll always remember.
Our last adventure in Taos was a visit to Ghost Ranch where Georgia O’Keeffe lived and painted some of her most beautiful works. I can see why she was so inspired by the place…the mountains and colors are absolutely beautiful. We also visited with Ghost Ranch volunteer, friend and fellow Georgian, Rosemary Kaszans…so cool to see someone from home…especially when you’re starting to get a little homesick. 🙁 Well, anyway…
Next up – COLORADO…Rocky Mountain high! Woohoo!
Love & Peace, KP
P.S. I just joined Instagram! So if you wanna see more of our vacation pics, check out kellieparrmusic. I’m posting them in order, so I’m still playing catch up, but I should have all of my posts in sync very soon. And email me at [email protected] if you have travel suggestions or just wanna say “Hi”. 🙂
Good stuff Kel.
Hey Barry!! Thanks for recommending all the cool places in Arizona. Did you see that post? Really beautiful.