Hey y’all… Sorry about my messed up emails from last week! I finally figured out how to send you links to my YouTube videos from Shrimp & Grits Fest. Click HERE for a video of our original song “Classy Chassis”… last week’s song of the week. And click HERE for our tribute to one of my favorite singer/ songwriters – Loretta Lynn. Hope you like it! And while you’re on our YouTube channel, make sure to “like” and subscribe. Lots more videos to come!
Love, KP
STREAM the new album! Click HERE.
email: [email protected]
website: www.kellieparr.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kellieandthekruzeomatics…. PLEASE “FOLLOW”!
instagram: kellieparrmusic
youtube: Kellie Parr PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!