Hey there… I’m hoping to have 2 really cool gigs this weekend. I say “hoping” because one of them is slightly weather dependent. Ugh! I’ll be playing out on the porch, heat and rain permitting, at Catch 228 Oyster Bar & Grill, this Friday, August 16, 6-9pm. You can text me at 912-230-6861 to get a current weather update and to find out if the gig is a go. I really hope the weather will be agreeable, as we always have a great time at Catch!
On Saturday, August 17, I’ll be traveling over to Raybon, GA to play for the Satilla Riverkeeper Gala. Unfortunately, the event is sold out, but I wanted to let you know about this wonderful organization. They are “the eyes and ears” of the Satilla watershed… a place that I called my home & playground as a kid growing up in SE Georgia. Click HERE to learn more about the ecological value and unique beauty of the Satilla River. Groovy!
Love & Peace y’all, KP
email: [email protected]
website: www.kellieparr.com
instagram: kellieparrmusic
youtube: Kellie Parr PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!