Outlaw Country… again!

It happened again, y’all! My original song “Classy Chassis” from the new Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics album was played on Johnny Knoxville & Roger Alan Wade’s show on Sirius/XM last night! So cool, right?? Replays are tonight at midnight, tomorrow morning at 10am and Wednesday at 8pm (we’re at the :35-40 minute mark again, right after Jesse Dayton). The weekend started out awesomely on Friday when I sang a few classic country tunes with the super fun Anders Thomsen Trio (videos coming soon) at Tipsy’s. Then on Saturday, my band traveled down to Fernandina for my good friend Teri Sopp’s birthday party… opening for the AMAZING Bill Kirchen (from Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen)… that’s the 3 of us in the pic. What an honor to hear him play live and sit in for a few songs. Incredible! I’ll have some videos from that performance uploaded to my YouTube channel soon. Sending out an extra special “thank you” to Teri for her constant and enthusiastic support. You rock, girl!

Hope y’all get a chance to check out the Outlaw Country show. Let me know what you think! Wow… if all weekends could be this awesome…

Love, love & more love, KP


STREAM the new album! Click HERE.

email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kellieandthekruzeomatics…. 


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!