Hello from… somewhere in the Southeast??

Hi everybody… Man, it’s been a rough couple of weeks! First Harvey, then Irma. My heart goes out to everyone affected by those awful storms. It’s times like these that make me want to rush home and just…well… be there for my friends, family and community. Ugh! Sending lots of love to y’all…xoxo.

But before we officially get home – one more travel post! As I said in my last post, we left South Dakota and quickly made our way over to Chicago, then down to Nashville. Believe me, when you’re ready to get home, you start driving fast and long hours! We spent a few days in Nashville so I could get a new pickup for my Gibson acoustic (thanks to Carter Vintage Guitars) and some new boots…see pic. Yeehaw! The rain from Harvey – 2 days, almost non-stop – put a damper on most of our time there, but we always have lots of fun in Nashville (including seeing my ‘BFF’ from grade school, Amy).

Next up was Asheville. Check out the view from our campground. Gorgeous sunsets!  We also had a great time exploring the downtown area and hanging out at the Goombay Festival. Another super cool thing about Asheville is the “Drum Circle” … a regular Friday night event that takes place in Pritchard Park. Everyone is welcome to come and play an instrument, dance, hula-hoop or just watch and listen. Here’s Fisher enjoying the good vibes…

Next stop: HOME!! Can’t wait! I’ll be sending out one more post about our trip after we get home and have some time to reflect on our travels. Guess you could call it “The Re-cap”. Also, I’m trying to get my instagram account up to date with all of the pics I wasn’t able to put in my blog posts. I should have it current in the next week or so. Stay tuned….

And a big THANKS to YOU for following our crazy cross-country RV trip. I’ve really enjoyed reading your comments and suggestions. Y’all are awesome!

Love, love, love… KP



email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com

instagram: kellieparrmusic



Heading home?

Well… after hightailing it through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and Tennessee (whew), we were supposed to be coming home tomorrow. But noooo! Thanks a lot, Hurricane Irma! I hope everyone is safe and sound…whether you’re staying home or traveling to higher ground…be careful out there. We’ll be hunkering down in the mountains of North Carolina for a few days, but I’ll resume my travel posts once the storm has passed and we’re all back home again. Until then…

Peace, love… and breathe deep y’all, KP



email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com

instagram: kellieparrmusic

Hello from South Dakota….

Hey there… We finally made it to Mount Rushmore! Fisher did a project on the famous memorial in 4th grade and has been looking forward to seeing it, in person, ever since. Even though the presidents’ faces are about 60 feet tall, they seem kinda small in our selfie…right?? Anyway, it was a beautiful day and well worth a visit if you get the chance.

Our next stop was the Crazy Horse Memorial, honoring the legendary warrior and leader of the Lakota Sioux tribe. The monument has been under construction since 1948 (wow!) and doesn’t look like it will be finished anytime soon. The sculpture is funded entirely by private donations and visitors’ fees, and when completed, will stand over 600 feet tall! The family of the late designer and sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski, is determined to finish it… and we’ll be back when it’s done, for sure! Check out the pic for a model of the planned monument with the actual one in the background. See Crazy Horse’s profile and outstretched arm? It’s gonna be magnificent when completed.

We also spent some time in a nice little town named Hill City (great shopping!), took a lovely scenic drive through Spearfish Canyon, stopped at Sturgis for some motorcycle shopping (one day!) and hung out with more presidents (uh…again, just statues) in Rapid City. Here’s Fisher with Jimmy Carter…very friendly guy. So glad we were able to visit the Black Hills area of South Dakota…lots of history there, plus gorgeous scenery.

Next stop… who knows? But we’ll be heading towards home. Yay!

Love & peace, y’all… KP



email: [email protected]

website: www.kellieparr.com

instagram: kellieparrmusic