Music this weekend…

Hey y’all… Running a bit behind on my shameless self-promotion this week! If you haven’t made plans for this weekend, might you consider attending one or more of these events?

Friday, March 7, 5-7pm: St Marys Waterfront Park (solo), St. Marys, GA

Saturday, March 8, 6-10pm: The Boat House, Fernandina Beach, FL (w/SideCars)

Sunday, March 9, 4-7:30pm: Green Turtle Tavern, Fernandina Beach, FL (solo)

Love! KP





Outlaw Country Cruise…

Hey there everybody… I got back from the Outlaw Country Cruise a few days ago and I’m still recovering! Whew! 6 days of non-stop music and mayhem… with a few beaches and fun snorkeling trips thrown in. It was amazing! Too many incredible shows to mention them all but I did get to meet several of my fave musicians including Sunny Sweeney (love her radio show. And the girl knows how to take a good selfie!), Jesse Dayton (photo bombed a shot with him and my friend and roomie, Teri.), and Rosie Flores & her awesome band! Had some serious flashbacks of college with shows by The Beat Farmers, Dash Rip Rock and an appearance with Mojo Nixon(miss him so much!)’s band by Jello Biafra. It was wild, y’all! Old Crow Medicine Show was spectacular… and Jerry Douglas and his phenomenal upright bassist, Daniel Kimbro, were hilarious and mind-blowing. But the “coolest dude ever” prize goes to Dave Alvin. I LOVE him! The deep voice, the superb guitar playing… he’s the best. Of course, it was great seeing my songwriting hero, Lucinda Williams. And John Hiatt was fantastic! OK… that’s enough! I know I left out so much – and I didn’t even mention the super cool fellow cruisers I met from all over the world! Love y’all! And keep in touch. If you didn’t make it on the boat this time, check out They have a bunch of music cruises with great lineups. Oh yeah… I have a few gigs this weekend. Click HERE for my schedule – and I’ll send a reminder tomorrow. See y’all soon!

Peace, KP






This week with KP…

Hey there… No gigs to announce this week but I wanted to let y’all know I made some fun updates to my website! (Click HERE) Thanks so much to Sarah Cuda Photography for the new pictures… we had a blast running around Savannah – Forsyth Park, Totally Awesome Bar and the Marriott at Plant Riverside – check it out! Next week, I’ll be headed out on the Outlaw Country Cruise for another musical adventure on the high seas. Fun! In the coming weeks, I’ll have some exciting news about my musical adventures in Savannah… stay tuned… and as always…

Big love, KP



