So I guess y’all won’t be too surprised to find out my next few gigs have been cancelled. While I’m totaling bummed, I understand it’s necessary… and fortunately, I have other sources of income (for now!) that will help my little family weather this storm. But there are lots of musicians and restaurant/bar people who are really hurting. PLEASE y’all, reach out to these folks and help where you can! What am I doing to help? How about this… if you recently lost your job and need help filing your taxes, I’m you’re girl! (accounting is my “day job”) I know it’s not much, but one less thing to worry about sounds good, right? Send me an email ([email protected]) or Facebook/Instagram message and I’ll see what I can do.
I’m really gonna miss performing with my band, Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics. We’ve had some super fun shows lately! We’re hoping to get back on the stage in April… but who knows, dang it?!? In the meantime, here’s a little clip (thanks Margee) of us performing one of my favorite covers. Check it out!
LOVE y’all, KP
email: [email protected]
instagram: kellieparrmusic
youtube: Kellie Parr PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!