Monday at Moondoggys…

Last minute promo here… I’ll be doing my solo thing at Moondoggy’s Pizza and Pub, TONIGHT, Monday, March 2, 6-9pm. Hope y’all can stop by and have some yummy pizza with me! Also, check out a couple of pics from my awesome weekend of music: last Friday with my amazing musical sister, Donna Frost, from our well-attended (and appreciated!) songwriter’s night at the Pub… and Saturday with my super-cool rockabilly brothers of Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics from our gig at Moondoggy’s. It was a spectacular music-filled weekend! If you missed it, hope to see you next time…

Love, KP







email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!

This weekend with KP…








Hey y’all… I’ve got 2 really cool gigs this weekend! On Friday, Feb 28, 8:30-11:30pm I’ll be at Village Inn & Pub for a special “Songwriters’ Night” with my good friend, Donna Frost… coming all the way from Nashville. We’re gonna be singing songs, telling stories and having a great time!  On Saturday, Feb 29, 7-10pm, I’ll be rockin out with the boys for a Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics show at Moondoggy’s Pizza & Pub. As you can see from the flyer, we’re a 3-piece now, so you gotta come check out my lead guitar skills. Well… it’s a work in progress, y’all. Ha! Hope to see you out this weekend.

Love, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!


Fia Rua on Friday…

Hey everybody… I’m so excited about our next Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics show!! We’ll be playing at a super cool venue… Fia Rua Irish Pub in Richmond Hill. They have an awesome line-up of live music there and I hear the food is fantastic! We’ll be playing this Friday, February 21, 8-11pm… inside where it’s nice and warm. Come on up to Richmond Hill and check it out! See you there…

Peace, KP

email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!