Daytona this Saturday…

Hey there… If y’all happen to be in the Daytona Beach area this weekend, come on over to Boot Hill Saloon for the Golden Isles Songwriters showcase hosted by my good friend, Bill Garlen. It’s part of Daytona’s Mainstreet Live Original Music & Art Festval (click HERE for more info). Bill and other fine songwriters from our area will be playing on different stages during the day, but I’ll be joining them for the show on Saturday, Feb 8, 7ish-9:00pm at Boot Hill Saloon on the inside stage. It’s gonna be fun, y’all!

Peace, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!

Weekend before last with KP…

I just realized with all the problems I’ve been having with my website, this post didn’t go to my subscribers on Jan 15… so let’s try this again!

Hey y’all – I wanna send out a BIG thank you to everybody who came out to see/hear the debut of my new band, Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics! Reid, Joe, Manny and I had a total blast. We love that so many people were dancing and singing along…y’all were just as entertaining as we were! 😀 Who knew rockabilly-style music would be so well received?? We’re thrilled and excited for the future of this band and we hope you are too! Check out a couple of videos I posted on YouTube: Click HERE for “Burning Love” (Elvis) and HERE for “Long Black Veil“. Sorry about the terrible camera angle…and the sound’s not so great. We’re hoping to get a real videographer for our next gig!

Speaking of next gigs, I have a solo one this Friday, January 17 at Village Inn & Pub, 8:30-11:30pm. It won’t be nearly as exciting as last weekend, but it will be fun, I promise. Hope to see you soon!

Love, KP

email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!

Music and… I was hacked!

So I guess y’all figured out by now that my blog was hacked… that, or you were really interested (or appalled!) to read my thoughts on adult dating and intercourse. Believe me, I’ve got plenty to say about all that! But no, this is a family-friendly blog dedicated to promoting my musical performances and releases. Now, if you wanna discuss more “adult” topics, we can debate those issues on a different platform. Ha!! But for now…

Come on down to Fernandina Beach this Sunday afternoon! I’ll be playing at Slider’s Seaside Grill, Sunday, February 2, 1-5pm. I haven’t played at Slider’s for a long time, so I’m excited to get back in the rotation.  It’s a really cool place… right on the beach. You can have a yummy late lunch or early dinner. See you there!

Love, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!