Friday at Catch…

Hi there… If you’re looking for something fun to do this Friday (March 30), come on over to Catch 228 Oyster Bar & Grill in Redfern Village. I’ll be playing 6-9pm, so you can come have dinner with me out on the front porch. We had a really fun crowd last time…and it was packed, so get there early to grab a table outside. Hope to see you there!

Peace y’all, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic  



Music this weekend…

Hi y’all… Come on down to Woodbine this Friday, March 2nd for some fun behind the magic fence! I’ll be playing some dinner and drinkin’ music at Captain Stan’s Smokehouse right off of Highway 17 near the beautiful Satilla River. My good buddies, Roy Gentry and Reid Trawick will join me…performing as the Hired Guns Trio. We’ll get started around 6:30pm and play until you’re tired of having fun (probably around 10pm). Captain Stan’s is always a blast, so I hope to see you there!

Peace & Love, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic