Song of the week… Number

Hi y’all… So here’s the last installment of my original “Song of the Week” series. This tune finds me back in familiar territory… doomed relationships. Ha! I’ve done a lot of accounting work over the years, and in “Number”, I use my fondness for ‘calculating’ things to describe a failing relationship… ‘by the numbers’. Guess I enjoy working through painful situations with a little humor. 😀 Why not, right?? Hope you enjoy it! Click HERE

And if you’re looking for a fun way to start this holiday weekend, join Roy Gentry & Hired Guns this Friday at the Tree Bar @ Bennie’s, 9 to midnight, for our annual Rockin’ Christmas Bash. We’ll be playing some awesome Christmas tunes along with our usual rock-n-roll jams. It’s gonna be a blast!

Peace, KP

email: [email protected] 
