I just realized with all the problems I’ve been having with my website, this post didn’t go to my subscribers on Jan 15… so let’s try this again!
Hey y’all – I wanna send out a BIG thank you to everybody who came out to see/hear the debut of my new band, Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics! Reid, Joe, Manny and I had a total blast. We love that so many people were dancing and singing along…y’all were just as entertaining as we were! 😀 Who knew rockabilly-style music would be so well received?? We’re thrilled and excited for the future of this band and we hope you are too! Check out a couple of videos I posted on YouTube: Click HERE for “Burning Love” (Elvis) and HERE for “Long Black Veil“. Sorry about the terrible camera angle…and the sound’s not so great. We’re hoping to get a real videographer for our next gig!
Speaking of next gigs, I have a solo one this Friday, January 17 at Village Inn & Pub, 8:30-11:30pm. It won’t be nearly as exciting as last weekend, but it will be fun, I promise. Hope to see you soon!
Love, KP
email: [email protected]
website: www.kellieparr.com
instagram: kellieparrmusic
youtube: Kellie Parr PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!!!