Song of the week… No Time to Pine

_dsc1284Hi y’all… Here’s this week’s installment of my “Song of the Week” series. It’s called “No Time to Pine” and it’s inspired by one of my favorite groups of people…guitar players! Actually, it was inspired by one particular guitar player – and he will remain unnamed for now. 😉 I’ve written several songs on this topic, but in this one I’m cool with the usual flighty-ness of my musician friends. In fact, I enjoy the casualness of the relationship…looking forward to his next visit but not stressing about it because I really have ‘no time to pine’ anyway. It’s a fun, lighthearted song with a bluegrass feel. I hope you like it! Email me at [email protected] and let me know what you think. Click HERE to have a listen…

Love, KP


Go to to order Kellie’s new CD!


Song of the week… Best I Can

kp-best-i-can-coverHi everybody… Hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving. I’m so thankful for your love and support…every day of the year! I’m also thankful I was able to write some songs and release a new CD a few months ago. In honor of the holiday season (and to drop a hint about a gift idea… the gift of music!), every week from now until Christmas, I’ll send you a link to one of my new original songs on YouTube and explain my inspiration. I hope you’ll take the time to listen… and let me know what you think about the song. 🙂

This week, I’m sending you the title track of the CD, “Best I Can”. I wrote it as a follow-up to my song “Be Strong”. It’s about being a single mom and dealing with all the stress and worry that goes along with raising a child on your own…especially after the death of their dad. Just like “Be Strong”, it’s written directly to my son, Fisher…letting him know I’ll always do the ‘best I can’ and that we’re gonna be OK. Please email me at [email protected] and let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy “Best I Can”. Click HERE to check it out…

Peace, KP

To order Kellie’s new CD… click HERE