Music this Saturday…

Hi y’all… So it’s looking like we’re having a bit of a surge of this dreadful virus around the Island. Dang it! But we’re gonna press on with our live music… being careful and respectful, of course. Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics will be playing some rockabilly and honky tonk music for you at Bennie’s Red Barn “Tree Bar”, this Saturday, June 27, 9pm until midnight. We’ll definitely be practicing social distancing and mask wearing. The good news is the Tree Bar is a big place with inside and outside options, so there’s tons of room to spread out and be safe. Hope to see y’all there!

Love, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!


This Friday with KP…

OK kids… I’m gonna need all your positive mojo, thoughts and prayers or whatever you like. See… it’s my birthday tomorrow and we (Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics) are gonna have a really fun show Friday night, June 12, 6:30-10pm, at Captain Stan’s Smokehouse in Woodbine, GA to celebrate. So PLEASE tell that rain to stay away!! We can stand a little sprinkle but a downpour will stop the show… and make this birthday girl very sad.  Thanks for helping out! And even better – we’d LOVE to see you at Capt Stan’s. Come on down, y’all…

Peace and dry skies, KP


email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!

Music this Friday…

Hey there… if you’re looking for a good reason to get out of the house, then come on over to Ember’s Mas Lounge this Friday, June 5, 7-10pm and join Kellie & the Kruze-o-matics for a rockabilly-ing, honky-tonkin’ fun time! You know, we’re still in this weird, social distancing situation, but they’ve got some cool couches and plenty of nice places to sit around… and spread out. Come check it out!

On a sad note, I wanted to let y’all know about the passing of my good friend, musical collaborator and big brother, Tim Haynes. He was one of the best, most prolific songwriters I’ve ever known… his guitar playing was beautiful, melodic, tasteful and he could shred too!… but his voice, oh that wonderfully rough voice, was my favorite. The emotion, pain, joy – the whole spectrum – he would put into every line was breathtaking. He always gave his music everything he had – body and soul. I will miss hearing that raspy voice calling me up and saying “Hey sis, how are you? and when are you gonna book us a gig?” Godspeed, big bro.

Take care of each other, KP



email: [email protected]


instagram: kellieparrmusic

youtube: Kellie Parr     PLEASE SUBSCRIBE…Thanks!